News & media Sustainable Agriculture: Transforming Water Conservation One Drop at a Time

21 March 2025

As we mark World Water Day 2025, we are reminded that the intersection of agriculture and water management represents one of our greatest challenges—and opportunities—in building a sustainable future.

As agriculture nourishes our growing global population and forms the backbone of food security, innovative irrigation techniques present extraordinary opportunities to enhance how we steward our precious freshwater resources.

Our commitment to implementing drip-feed irrigation systems across our agricultural operations has achieved remarkable results, with water savings of 90-95% compared to traditional methods. This reduction directly supports UN Sustainable Development Goal 6, which calls for substantial improvements in water-use efficiency across all sectors.

Project Valley, led by a Cordiant investee company in Latin America, demonstrates how integrated water management can transform agricultural sustainability. Working with blueberries, mandarins, and avocados—traditionally water-intensive crops—they’ve proven that commercial success and environmental stewardship can go hand-in-hand.

What makes this approach unique is the recognition that water security begins far beyond the farm. Working with the Asociación Pro Cuenca Zaña (Zaña Basin Association), they’ve invested in protecting and expanding the Udima Cloud Forest ecosystem. This critical watershed not only supports clean water supplies throughout the Zaña Valley but contributes to water security for major coastal urban centres in a region experiencing challenges with water availability and sanitation. This commitment extends to ambitious reforestation initiatives in the upper Udima Valley of Cajamarca, fortifying the entire watershed and enhancing both water quantity and quality for downstream communities.

This represents just one exemplary approach among many that we’ve developed alongside our portfolio companies to elevate water management practices and secure our sustainable future. From forest to farm to city—we’re demonstrating that agricultural businesses can be powerful agents of positive environmental change.

As we observe World Water Day, we invite the global agricultural community to adopt holistic approaches to managing water – humanity’s most precious and irreplaceable resource.
